i love goooooooold

Thumbnail of the map 'i love goooooooold'

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Author wedgie123
Tags author:wedgie123 dda rated v1.3c
Created 2004-12-24
by 21 people.
Map Data

Description this DDA isnt anything special but there are a few really nice parts to it. you'll know which parts when you see it.

p.s. merry christmas everyone

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'My first DDA' Thumbnail of the map 'Elevator - part 2' Thumbnail of the map 'that time again' Thumbnail of the map 'Door DDA - version 2'
My first DDA Elevator - part 2 that time again Door DDA - version 2


Pages: (0)

It errr...

doesn't work. I survived longer holding left than not doing anything. No rating.


He went through a door!!??

Nice stuff...

...But argh, gold delay. Still a great, great DDA.4/5!


like i said, i love goooooold. thanks for the comments ;)

heh heh

this is one of the bestest i have seen in a while. It gets 5/5 even with the huge use of gold delays. Bestest moment - using the bouncey block to change horizontal direction and dodge those missiles. As it happens, i'm halfway to finishing a similar one, but using (so far) just thwumps and rockets (and maybe one-way platforms), on an open tileset. It won't beat this one though


Nice One.