Heavy Weapons

Thumbnail of the map 'Heavy Weapons'

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Author shokwave
Tags author:shokwave dda unrated
Created 2006-05-30
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description 47 spaces. 4 chainguns. 567 frames. enjoy.

unless anyone can figure out a better way to end this - like artfully stretching the map out a bit longer - this will be the final version of Small Arms. if you have a suggestion, tell me! i might decide it warrants a change in the map, and then you see your suggestion at work!


seriously, enjoy this.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Close Up' Thumbnail of the map 'Distraction' Thumbnail of the map 'From the Depths' Thumbnail of the map 'Rock Shelter' Thumbnail of the map 'Small Arms' Thumbnail of the map 'Small Arms Two'
Close Up Distraction From the Depths Rock Shelter Small Arms Small Arms Two


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Not that good

Spread the layout out sometime Ok SHOKWAVE


might as well submit.
you may not like it, you may like it, would you like me to submit wat Ive got? its only a bit longer, but it's an extension.... you can use ideas from it.
but you can't really explain them here. im gonna just experiment by adding on to the map, i'll tell u if I find anything really cool!
but the original intent was a long-ish dda in tightest quarters possible. i dont think ill add any more rooms, but i might try and bring N back out again.


not sure what you'll think but have you considered taking out the floor under the door, making a new room there and moving the door somewhere else in that room, the possibilities are limitless if you want to add more rooms...

this one is sick as though...