
Thumbnail of the map 'Bravado'

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Author clovic
Tags action author:clovic playable rated
Created 2006-04-16
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description Hmmm. I'd really like input on this one, it's quite different, but I really like it.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Change of seasons' Thumbnail of the map 'What's the Story?' Thumbnail of the map 'Viva la revolution' Thumbnail of the map '0-2: Treachery' Thumbnail of the map '0-3: Passion' Thumbnail of the map '0-4: Fury'
Change of seasons What's the Story? Viva la revolution 0-2: Treachery 0-3: Passion 0-4: Fury


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the cruise...

was ok, kinda boring and most rockets are easy to dodge with such wide open shuffleboard courts and easy jumping opportunities...

using cruise ships to get away from it all is ok...they seemed overused, but not i bad places... 5/5


all gold to follow. mayb. nice map, little bit too easy. . .4/5, this idea has promise, maybe as a you-got-too-close punishment, now you have to dodge a rocket on a jumper puzzle map.
Demo Data


its ok, kinda easy and most rockets are easy to dodge with such wide open spaces and easy jumping opportunities...

using doors to protect is ok...they seemed overused, but not i bad places... 5/5


It's not meant to be HARD ya know, or I wouldn't have made it so open. It's really not easy to all gold though I'm trying to get a demo together now.


its ok, kinda easy and most rockets are easy to dodge with such wide open spaces and easy jumping opportunities...

using doors to protect is ok...they seemed overused, but not i bad places... 4/5
Demo Data