Taraca-01: Outer Wall

Thumbnail of the map 'Taraca-01: Outer Wall'

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Author katka
Tags action author:katka playable rated
Created 2005-12-23
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description The first map of my new Taraca-episode. The story starts: Taraca is the Feudal Lord of Japan. His troops destroyed the village of the Ninja and killed everyone. And now the Ninja wants revenge. He arrives to the outer wall of Taraca's castle...

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i liked it but stickdude is still right it is really easy
but they will get harder so whatever

To stickdude

The first map of an episode is always easier.

uh huh..

That was a little too easy.Sorry I don't have a demo, I lost it (don't ask) but for the sake of no proof, ima give you 3.5/5