Boomerang Hurricane

Thumbnail of the map 'Boomerang Hurricane'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Traveleravi
Tags author:traveleravi cereal hard rated
Created 2012-12-06
Last Modified 2012-12-06
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description They always come back

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Seperating Quarters of Gosper's Island' Thumbnail of the map 'Koch' Thumbnail of the map 'Lfaber's Hexafractal' Thumbnail of the map 'Opposites' Thumbnail of the map 'Warzone 9: Giant Duplicate' Thumbnail of the map 'Robot Arms'
The Seperating Quarters of Gosper's Island Koch Lfaber's Hexafractal Opposites Warzone 9: Giant Duplicate Robot Arms


Pages: (0)


First try, watch the oneways.
Demo Data

all gold

cool map.
Demo Data

O yeah...

I checked out your art. It's amazing!


This looks pretty interesting, I'm gonna play it soon. BTW, thanks for the feedback on my map. I will take the critique and try to improve. I've been playing ninja for many years, but i never got good at map-making. I will take into account what you said. I just released a map called Pupil. Could you give me some feedback on it and what to improve?


Im trying to mix symmetry with asymetry

plays well.
I died at the mine at the "backroom" of the gauss room. lol
I like that actually very much