62-4 Plasma

Thumbnail of the map '62-4 Plasma'

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Author Jeremoon
Tags action author:jeremoon laser rated redeye serie
Created 2011-02-09
Last Modified 2011-02-09
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description I love this map a lot and I hope you do this too
This is totaly my redeye map

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Episode maps/Black cat' Thumbnail of the map 'Lets play good cop bad cop' Thumbnail of the map '62-0 Train Express' Thumbnail of the map '62-1 Ground of the things' Thumbnail of the map '62-2 Gold Treasure' Thumbnail of the map '62-3 Universe Town'
Episode maps/Black cat Lets play good cop bad cop 62-0 Train Express 62-1 Ground of the things 62-2 Gold Treasure 62-3 Universe Town


Pages: (0)


map number 211111

already commented

already commented

already commented
I still really enjoyed playing it though. Perfect difficulty and had a nice adventurous feel to it. I see it being a main contender for numacon. 4/5.
All of the gold clumps had a segment that followed the sights of the laser. The only way to get these without dying from the laser was to let it see you, and quickly grab the gold during the lag between the laser firing and it seeing you again. This isn't too bad normally, but every single gold clump required this. It created a very stop/start environment which grew old.

very slow agd-1

Demo Data

I removed a ton of objects. The launchpads went for being distracting and now the exit chute is nicely inaccessible. The oneway above gauss went because it is kind of alone in there and there is no need now that the gold is not hard anymore.

The lone oneway above the player went because the exit chute was easily accessible without it and it now makes for a little puzzlish moment.


But I'm still afraid your job isnt showing here,so you shall decide do we publish your final cut or mine.

I can publish it. I don't think there's much to be done anymore. It could be polished some bit maybe. Post it back to me and I'll submit it. Don't do changes if not needed.

sudny is exlcuded from this collab from being too slow.

I hope I didn't do too much. I'm a bad collaber. I have my vision and then I'm stubborn as a mule in getting them through. I fear that I have completely destroyed your doings...

SO do something.

Coll with lsu and you.

My start

I begin collab.

Really nice.

I see no flaws. :D

not sure I thought sydny was to begin.

A very nice map.