134-0: Demon DNA Double Helix

Thumbnail of the map '134-0: Demon DNA Double Helix'

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Author Chrdrenkmann
Tags 134-0 687 author:chrdrenkmann episode rated twc twc2
Created 2010-12-18
Last Modified 2011-02-13
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description TWC2.
The complete double helix is z-snapped (!) + many other objects.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '132-4: The Fallen Soldier' Thumbnail of the map '133-0: Tadpole' Thumbnail of the map '133-1: It's A Crocodile In A Duck Costume!' Thumbnail of the map '133-2: Queen Bee Abstinence' Thumbnail of the map '133-3: OneThreeThreeThree' Thumbnail of the map '133-4: Russian Tease'
132-4: The Fallen Soldier 133-0: Tadpole 133-1: It's A Crocodile In A Duck Costume! 133-2: Queen Bee Abstinence 133-3: OneThreeThreeThree 133-4: Russian Tease


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What Zthing says is a little true but this helix HAS been z-snaped so you followed the rules well ;)

Sorry Iv been studying for my Biology test and thats all I can think about!!

DNA is a Nucleic Acid macromolecule in which contains a phosphate group, A nitrogen-base (Adenine,Cytosine,Guanine, or Thymine), and a deoxyribose (sugar).

The Nitrogen bases are joined together by a weak hydrogen bond. this weak bond allows the nitrogen bases to attach are reattach
-The deoxyribose and the Phosphate group are attached by a strong covalent bond (NONPOLAR).

Catwson and Watson with the help of Amile Rosgar helped found the structure of DNA to be a double helix.
The DNA backbone is a polymer with an alternating sugar-phosphate sequence. The deoxyribose sugars are joined at both the 3'-hydroxyl and 5'-hydroxyl groups to phosphate groups in ester links, also known as "phosphodiester" bonds.


love the classic bounceblock-rocket action
Demo Data
I can place the same gold over some of it using x or c-snap.

cool map

kinda wish we would've gotten into details with the rule though, seems a bit blatant to just do with 'use z-snap'.


Demo Data