Cliffs Of Doom

Thumbnail of the map 'Cliffs Of Doom'

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Author bla20020
Tags author:bla20020 challenge cliffs doom hard unrated walljump
Created 2010-08-24
Last Modified 2010-08-24
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Lots of walljumping... Moderately hard and somewhat challenging.


Pages: (0)


Nah, I exploded my Mac and gotted a PC.


Because I can.


Heyo, me too

AGD = All Gold Demo
It is put there for a reason. Anyone who want to get a very, VERY high time must go down there. It is basically if anyone tries to get the highest score. To do that, AND to be able to get back up, you must go through basically the entire map, then use the springpad and do about 1/4 of the map over again.

Note: First person to get a score of 1000 on a Youtube video (Not frames, time) gets a free subscription to thier Youtube account from me! (My youtube account is "yayyayyay09") (Why am I talking about Youtube here? I don't even know...)

Sorry guys...

My map automatically double-posted, probably on my laggy Mac. I'll remove the other.


This was actually quite a fun map. A bit spammy on the mines and gold (using more than that's needed), but fun.

Score: 968.900
Demo Data

welcome to NUMA

Please remove one of the maps.
on the bottom, this is still a pretty good map.

Aww great.
Demo Data

you said pretty difficult twice there