02 - Greek temple

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Author Sapato
Tags author:sapato destroy episode greece greek old rated
Created 2010-07-29
Last Modified 2010-07-29
by 8 people.
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You are a Ninja


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You have some sweet gameplay mechanics. I thought the thwump worked quite well, actually, and made for an exhilerating challenge (trying to beat it to the room with the gauss). I am a fan of minimalism and simplicity, but you do have to keep in mind that if you are too sparse, the map can seem dull and lack atmosphere. Objects do contribute to the aesthetic quality of maps as well, and you need to think carefully about how and where you place them.

and an agd

from today
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here's my speedrun from yesterday's. looks like you just added a bit of gold up top
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All gold
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@Isudny, yea thats my second map


for the hidden enemies, I think it looks better if the map is simple


The tiles are fantastic; they give a special feel to this. Gameplay was okay, the thwump was rather pointless and frustrating. The object minimalism makes it too empty and a bit boring. This is a good second map, anyway. Is this your very second map?


Great tiles for a second, but very poor use of hidden enemies imo. 2.5^
Demo Data

thanks slayr!





i really liked the tiles, the gameplay was enjoyable but not too easy great second map!

slightly faster

there is a faster route i just cant seem to get.
Demo Data


Speed, but I screwed up badly.
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best demo enclosed

you have a way with hidden enemies! the only thing i didn't like was the jump into the room with the key. it was a little too close for comfort me. also, that last hidden gauss didn't do anything. i really loved the tiles.

overall, fantastic second map
Demo Data


yea, i edited more gold.


You are very talented but the gold was a bit pointless. You are faster when you don't jump on the roof.
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