Despair of the Endless

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Author formica
Tags author:formica despair playable sandman unrated
Created 2010-05-28
Last Modified 2010-05-29
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description He collects his lover.

He has nail clippings, and photographs he has cut from magazines, and a ticket from the only tram journey they took together, to a late- night Chinese restaurant, where his lover was not recognised.

After sex, when his lover sleeps, he takes things, slips them into his bag, a tee shirt that smells like his lover, underpants, a dusty aspirin from his toilet kit.

His lover exists for him chiefly as a body in a sequence of hotel rooms.

In his bedroom he has made a small shrine to his lover: his greatest treasure is a knitted condom, retrieved from a waste bin, with the cold remains of his lover's seed congealed inside it.

Sometimes he does not see his lover in the flesh for months at a time. At night he watches his lover on the television.

"If you smile before the commercial break", he whispers to his lover, "it means you are thinking about me. If you blink now it means you love me, you truly love me, and one day you will come out here for always."

He buries his face in a tee shirt that no longer smells like anybody at all, and waits for his lover to blink.

-Neil Gaiman, "Fifteen Portraits of Despair", Endless Nights.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '14-2: Explosions in the Sky' Thumbnail of the map 'Desire of the Endless' Thumbnail of the map 'Still howling at the moon' Thumbnail of the map '15-3: Think Quick' Thumbnail of the map '10-4: Knot Again' Thumbnail of the map 'Blobby McBlobster'
14-2: Explosions in the Sky Desire of the Endless Still howling at the moon 15-3: Think Quick 10-4: Knot Again Blobby McBlobster


Pages: (0)

I liked the mine art, but the mirror's cool as well.

Mine art gone, less obvious but less ugly empty mirror remains.

Awesome idea.

I love it.

Only that mine art in the bottom... Nevermind. 5aved.
Oh well it wasn't good anyway.

Almost AGD

Cool map. Nice gameplay and atmosphere. The laser worked really well. 5aved.

Bonus points for completing an AGD without the laser beam passing through any bounce blocks.