
Thumbnail of the map 'Spelunking'

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Author I-Am-A-Bilingual-Hippopotamus
Tags action author:i-am-a-bilingual-hippopotamus playable unrated
Created 2010-05-01
Last Modified 2010-05-01
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Hah.

Other maps by this author

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Dig It Microshock Peacock Ass E-Pro Chip The Bluenin Strip


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Pretty good. Kind of chaotic. I sort of agree that the top gold was awkward to do quickly, but that's not too big an issue i think.
Demo Data

Hi !

this is hard...
I'll try more. Pretty map.
how are you ?

2.5/5 down

There was nothing particularly fun about it. I thought the gold at the top was a bit of a hastle to get, and that that the bottom most switch was too hard to get with the mine AND the gauss. Not bad though.

Demo Data


i like the gold.