
This map has been removed from listings by the author.

Thumbnail of the map 'Balloons'

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Author ganteka
Tags author:ganteka crimson crimson2 unrated
Created 2010-02-12
Last Modified 2010-02-21
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description The field stretched miles in every direction. There was grass, and wheat and brush and nothingness and ever-stretching sky. A single launchpad decorates the landscape, a man-made mechanism against a sea of nature. There were the balloons, perched majestically against the bright blue and white swirl.

And then there was a drone, and a shriek, and the soar, of an oncoming raider...

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'i'm a pilot (remix)' Thumbnail of the map 'I'm a Pilot' Thumbnail of the map 'Map #4 (Tunnels)' Thumbnail of the map 'perch' Thumbnail of the map 'Life in Technocolor Part I' Thumbnail of the map 'I didn't make this map for highscoring, dudes'
i'm a pilot (remix) I'm a Pilot Map #4 (Tunnels) perch Life in Technocolor Part I I didn't make this map for highscoring, dudes


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Nice map. But I swear your crimson maps have nothing to do with the theme or story whatsoever.
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did I do something wrong?
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Cool and relaxing.

It could have had more enemies, but it was really nice as-is. The tiles, although cliche, really suited the chaingun action. I also liked how it fired at you when you went to get that gold on the left side. It was unexpected, but really cool at the same time. If you could have made that drone si it actually went out into that open area instead of going back in circles again, that would be really cool. A gauss would have been preferable at the bottom left perhaps, to keep some gameplay going over on that side; or something like that. I still really adore the gameplay though. Fave by me.
Demo Data

and sorry about calling you a jerk. It seemed selfish when you told me to RCE your maps after you playtested something for me.
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