drip dro drip

Thumbnail of the map 'drip dro drip'

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Author moonwitch
Tags author:moonwitch drip dro featured rated
Created 2010-01-15
Last Modified 2010-01-15
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description my maps are like samurai jack episodes.

This map was featured on 2016-08-18

Often I ponder the hole in my roof. I know *drip* the origin of it, bullets ripping through it as I moved to *drip* dodge them. War has *drip* tested my mettle and I have emerged unscathed. *drip* I only hope I survive this final t---

This is what it's like jumping around a war-torn building, dodging the only two robots they sent to kill you. I found this journal entry near the exit. Guess I was more lucky than the last guy. — origami_alligator

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'pass the bottle' Thumbnail of the map 'Yakuza (ヤクザ )' Thumbnail of the map 'PEI' Thumbnail of the map 'fuck you, is my name.' Thumbnail of the map 'treefingers'
pass the bottle Yakuza (ヤクザ ) PEI fuck you, is my name. treefingers


Pages: (0)

wonderful wonderful map

my very own demo

nice feature
Demo Data


Demo Data


Never knew about this account. Thanks for the intro

Demo Data



The chaingun drone wasn't very punishing.
I think Samurai Jack is immortal, too.
Demo Data

the chaingun was awesome. and agree with aphex :D

In terms of the map, I like how it stays similar (but not the same) thematically.
Good gold placement and enemy placement.
Maybe some more could be done in terms of aesthetics, though that's just me and my love for detailed maps :P
4/5 for map
However like your FLCL avatar and FLCL themed profile, so have a 5

ohh, no problem.

all gold demo.
Demo Data

cool map

i forgot to say thanks for looking at my map