Lava Reef Zone

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Author Rias
Tags author:rias hedgehog lava reef sonic unrated zone
Created 2010-01-04
Last Modified 2010-01-04
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description This level is (as you may have guessed) based off of a level from the Sonic series. Please don't comment on how many missile turrets there are, as I wanted to recreate the boss scene from the game in which there are a lot of missiles being fired at you while constantly running. Well, enjoy!

Note: This level was made before I joined. Along with Green Hill Zone.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Green Hill Zone'
Green Hill Zone


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Demo Data

Lol. Thanks. Maybe I did go a little overboard with the rockets, but thanks.

Oh sorry

didn't read the description XD
the map is good altogether.

Very nice

but one rocket does the job of many.