Silence Fraught with Menace

Thumbnail of the map 'Silence Fraught with Menace'

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Author XY
Tags author:xy playable simple-challengeish unrated
Created 2009-06-24
Last Modified 2009-06-24
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description My first simple challenge^^...
It looks like a Chinese symbol or something; if you know what it means (if it somenthing means) tell me, please.

P.S.: There are trap doors under the gold, but an AGD is possible though!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Amusement Park' Thumbnail of the map 'Sleeping Lion' Thumbnail of the map 'Mind of an Insane Soul' Thumbnail of the map 'An Autograph of the Devil' Thumbnail of the map 'The Sick Spoculatron' Thumbnail of the map 'An Old Man and His Thoughts'
Amusement Park Sleeping Lion Mind of an Insane Soul An Autograph of the Devil The Sick Spoculatron An Old Man and His Thoughts


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Maybe you can't do that anymore because you're so angry about me and my trap door thing...
You should calm down^^... I'm just a little idiot and it's worthless to be angry because of me or this map :O

(... I hope this helped :])


now you've jinxed it. i cant even get the switches at the top anymore.


... Sorry, eganic, sorry sorry sorry xP... I forgot to write that in the description >.<... I will edit it :/

fuck you

and your hidden trap-doors.
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