
Thumbnail of the map 'Joust'

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Author Tangential
Tags author:tangential rated thwump-rider tileset
Created 2009-04-22
Last Modified 2009-04-22
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the arena! On my right, as you all know, we have the undefeated, unchallenged knight errant, Sir T.H. Wump. On my left, we have a new challenger, the Norweigean bullfighter Nin Dja.

Let the joust begin!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Heaven and Earth'
Heaven and Earth


Pages: (0)

So what then?

What can we use to communicate? There has to be sonething better than this, but we'll leave that to a last resort...


Tiles: 4.5
Gameplay: 3.5
Overall: 4
Demo on nreality.

Neat tileset.

It doesn't play very well.

Simple yet fun




Not capitalism, Capitalization. Apart from PALEMOON hardly any of you have capitalized letters....oh never mind...


What about capitalism? Oh and that's what I meant by 'riding' as in running across at the same speed so you're velocity in relation with the thump (horse) is 0 as in not moving independently of it, thus, 'riding' it.

Thanks again


Wonder what everybody here has against Capitalization...?
to get nreality


First thwump now a bit behind.
There are two ways to actually do this: "riding" the top thwump or running on the bottom one.

Um no

Tiles not autogenerated.
I was inspired by "relentless cartographer" by astheoceansblue though.
And where can i get nreality? The only links I find are broken. Thanks!

Wow... 5/5

amazing tiles and an extremely clever way to describe 'riding' a thump.

Tiles: 5
Creativity: 5
Gameplay: 3.5

13.5/15 --> 5/5

+3 for second map.

16.5/15 --> 6/5 :D

Demo Data

The tiles are autogenerated, but i don't care in this case.

You should move the first thuwmp back one tile, its more fun.


It's my first tileset as such, so I put in some gameplay as well.