
Thumbnail of the map 'code'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author blackwhite
Tags author:blackwhite flow playable race rated
Created 2008-10-03
Last Modified 2008-10-03
by 5 people.
Map Data


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'arms' Thumbnail of the map 'crater' Thumbnail of the map 'cluster bomb' Thumbnail of the map 'port' Thumbnail of the map 'across' Thumbnail of the map 'st. george'
arms crater cluster bomb port across st. george


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not a five because of the lack of STUFF, and the fact that some parts were used a few times. I did love how the paths crossed though
Demo Data


save it for the forums
you actually *do* have to collab with him. it's the best way to become better. trust me.

also, in the future

try not to use the image description, it is pretty annoying.

No, no, and no.

Never start your races out that fast (and if you absolutely have to, try to make it slow down by the time you have to jump). The flow on the other hand, being pretty bland at times, was overall very nice. But what about 50% of what makes races exciting is enemies/gold/etc... a good 4/5

I would love to collab with you, though you don't have to. just pm me if so. :)
but the flow was a little disrupted in some places. keep working at it!

oh gawsh.

don't imitate mrgy. no offense.
but my friend, this flow is pitch perfect. why didnt u add gold though?
Demo Data