City near Jungle

Thumbnail of the map 'City near Jungle'

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Author Neicul
Tags action author:neicul medium playable unrated
Created 2008-08-07
Last Modified 2008-08-07
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description A level dificulty medium


Pages: (0)

MY Demo

Demo Data
Click on the link I posted to download it.

what is nreality?

again sorry!

i clicked unluckily on report!!!!!


sorry that you had to write so much,but thanks also.

Oh okay.

By the way, I would recommend you get NReality v6c2 [] though... There are many things you can do with it that you can't do in normal N. (Look at Unreality's maps [] for the major things.


1. Copy the map data in the box on this page, open N and go to Ned, paste the code in the top box (click outside the box afterwards) and load the map. Then copy my demo data, go back to N, paste it in the bottom box and then press 2, 3, and then Q. Finally, press P to play, and turn on capslock if it isn't on already.

2. Copy the map data from this page, go to userlevels in N, paste the map data in the text box above "Watch Replay", then copy the demo data, go back to N, and paste that at the very end of the map data. (after the last #) Finally, add another # to the end of the entire code, and click watch replay.

There's also a third, easier, faster, and more convienent way, and that would be to download Nreality (v6c2) [], going into userlevels, loading the map number (the number in the URL) in the top box and loading it, and then clicking on any scores posted... This is assuming though that someone has actually posted a demo on NReality.

now i know! no more answer needed (:

one question

how can iplay the demos?

Oh yeah...

I could get a faster demo, but I'm on a slow computer right now, so I can't until I get on a better one.

Kinda slow demo

Um... Well I think Riobe and Mustardude covered pretty much everything. Not bad for your first. 3/5
Demo Data


Advertising is bad.

It's ok for a first. Work on aesthetics (looks). And add some gold.

Re:1st Map

Thank you for advice
it was built in 10 i canĀ“t try it as much as you did i think...but OK (:

1st Map.

Since it's your first map (I think,) then here's some advice: The first building was useless, since you can jump over it, as was the second building; which leads to the floorguard being useless also because you don't need to go in the second building. The tileset was O.K. Try to make it more flowy. The rocket and exit key were place very well, so 3/5. My first map []