Micro 85

Thumbnail of the map 'Micro 85'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author TheKitchenSink
Tags author:thekitchensink micro mini playable rated small tiny
Created 2008-08-02
Last Modified 2008-08-02
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description This one I would rate as being "pretty darned hard."

More mines and a gauss as usual :(

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Micro 79' Thumbnail of the map 'Micro 80' Thumbnail of the map 'Micro 81' Thumbnail of the map 'Micro 82' Thumbnail of the map 'Micro 83' Thumbnail of the map 'Micro 84'
Micro 79 Micro 80 Micro 81 Micro 82 Micro 83 Micro 84


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frame off Izzy
Demo Data

Closest I've gotten, this one's a bit annoying. It's 3:30am so I think I'm going to stop for now, remember I'm on Micro 85 working my way down! =D
Demo Data

Pretty good.

It's a good concept and the mine placement makes a good mine-jumper. Also good for speed demos. 4
Demo Data

slow demo

on nreality.
i find it easier there cuz theres no punching the p button then reaching for the jump button.
the mines are really well placed cuz they got me like every time!
to fbf.

None of my runs are fbf


This is not fbf

No, Meta_Ing,

You are slow.

I think 76 frames is possible
Demo Data


You're both all slow... :)
Demo Data


I try to keep one on the "Hot Maps" page at all times. Only when I'm out or sleeping is there not one :D


had 60 like 2 days ago lol


not fbf and faster
Demo Data

Completion Demo

FBF. I could probably do it non-FBF if I tried hard enough and had enough patience, though.
Demo Data