Portable engineering

Thumbnail of the map 'Portable engineering'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Erik-Player
Tags action author:erik-player hard playable rated warpers
Created 2008-07-22
Last Modified 2009-04-02
by 11 people.
Map Data

Description Submit demos so we can get a contest going! :P

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Shattered Earth' Thumbnail of the map 'Battlefield' Thumbnail of the map 'Suicide inside a cave' Thumbnail of the map 'Sight seeing' Thumbnail of the map 'Perpendicular' Thumbnail of the map 'Tileset'
Shattered Earth Battlefield Suicide inside a cave Sight seeing Perpendicular Tileset


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Great map

Glad to see a brother in Christ :]. Keep it up!

Thanks everyone.

I didn't even know geti when I made this level spudz.

Really nice

Loved the flow, the ideas, the tiles, everything, Go on, have a 5 :P
and here it is. anyway, pretty cool map, i like the tiles and the use of teleporters, the use of rocket and gauss is effective, and overall i like it.
4/5, not quite perfect, but hey, its good.

Not bad.

Simple, but fun. Teleporters seem a trifle unnecessary, but they don't hurt it, either.
i like the diagonal mines-and-gold clumps. the teleporters add a nice element to it. the top is fairly empty though; i would have put a homing drone or something up there. 4/5

Not bad

once you get the trick. Even though it's very restrictive, it's fun enough to repeat for agd.

Good work with the teleporters too, nice and clean.
Demo Data

I got it

now i like the map, 3/5.


Good to hear someone likes the level. =)
3/5. Reminds me of geti.
Demo Data


This is a cute little level. Good amount of challenge, fun to AGD, and an awesome tileset.

Demo Data
Definitely a challenge to distract the rocket.
Demo Data

Heres AGD

Think you can be faster?
Its possible.
Demo Data

I feel impossible

Im not gonna rate until I find out tho, I don't wanna screw your rating up... either the rocket or gauss gets me, maybe you have to trek twice, going down the middle?
Demo Data