
Thumbnail of the map 'Goooodbumps'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author notkitt
Tags action author:notkitt nreality playable unrated
Created 2008-07-06
Last Modified 2008-07-06
Map Data

Description NREALITY.
I couldn't find anyone to playtest

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Argomite Complex' Thumbnail of the map 'God, It's Me. A mine.' Thumbnail of the map 'Dog Park Walking' Thumbnail of the map 'I wish my name was Dax Flame' Thumbnail of the map 'Purina.' Thumbnail of the map 'She's Saying Goodbye'
Argomite Complex God, It's Me. A mine. Dog Park Walking I wish my name was Dax Flame Purina. She's Saying Goodbye


Pages: (0)


4/5 if ratings were enabled . (I have to remember to check for that first...)
I kind of cheated a little at the beginning, but that's okay, right?

Nice use of the mod. 4/5 and favorited.
Demo Data