
Thumbnail of the map 'Jumpie'

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Author ignite
Tags author:ignite dda rated
Created 2005-09-02
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description My very first attempt at DDA. It sucks as compared to the other DDAs, but I did this by trial and error and I like it ;-) Comments are more than welcome.


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im not gonna

butcher you, cuz its your first, but dont put gold in a dda thats not gonna be recieved, and try not to cluster items, ex. mines and launch pads especialy, people wil rate your ddas low if you have to many launch pads


Thanx everyone for your comments. I really appreciate it. I have been looking at other DDAs and I will try to make it more funky next time. Some things I don't get, like in a level N seems to hit a launch pad and emerge in a totally different place, which looks impossible. Where can I learn stuff like that??


why would you put gold in your map if your not going to get it all, its a dda!! But, its your first dda and it takes a whole load of time of your life so good job anyways.


Halfway decent. 3/5.
It is your first DDA anywayss...

listen to ngaged...

thats what i heard him say when i started making maps. Go to the top rated page to get some ideas there, but if you want to learn slowly, look for DDA's that got 3/5 ratings or lower, and look at maps similar to yours and see what ratings they got.


Try to get all the gold. If you don't, than it's pointless. Also, this relied too much on launch pads. Try using trap door propulsion and stuff like that. Don't worry, it's only your first DDA and you can make more!