Clair'Voyance V

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Author Riobe
Tags author:riobe clairvoyance criss-cross gauss gold jumps unrated
Created 2008-05-20
Last Modified 2009-08-19
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Submitted Level #: 50! Finally!
Type: Race
Series: Clair'Voyance Series
Difficulty: Easy
Storyline: N was just a boy. He had no idea what ninjas were. To him, they were just funny genetic turtles. Then, one day, he had been a little more curious about what ninjas were. He had walked right into the middle of the street, to see if he could jump over a car. This was in the middle of the night, and he was only 8. He had put on a dark black jumpsuit to make sure the car would not halt to a stop when it saw him, because it couldn't see him. So then the car approached. It was going rally fast, about 147 mph. N was thinking he was crazy, but that didn't stop him. His mom had told him he was a prodigy, but he had no idea what that was. Even after every 1.4 minutes, she would give him gold! He didn't even know why. Then, the car had turned up right in front of him. It didn't see him at all! But then, when the car was exactly a yard away, N had made his jump...

Other maps by this author

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Sonic Speed 5 Clair'Voyance III Look Upside Down Clair'Voyance IV Glitch Crazy 2 Squeeze 3


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really hows how ur maps improve over time


That was fun! Obviously Im a n00b :P (First Demo Evah XD!)
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