fast as a floating triangle

Thumbnail of the map 'fast as a floating triangle'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author handofgod
Tags action author:handofgod gold playable rated scientist triangle
Created 2008-04-17
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description ugh.....
my computer messed up my N progress so now i have to start over
and you no that line on the userlevels.txt that says "dont mess with the line"....dont do it.....just trust me it doesnt end well

thats besides the point

rate and comment or you'll turn into an alligator (not really)

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'a brief view of the future' Thumbnail of the map 'stranger things have happened'
a brief view of the future stranger things have happened


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I'm surprised at this.
Demo Data
It's fun trying to get all the gold quickly, but that's it. The map is too short, simple, and empty. 3/5.
Demo Data

speedrun fbf

non-fbf will be posted shortly on NReality
Demo Data


You don't need that many floorguards at the bottom - they'll just bunch up at the ends if you go down there.
Demo Data

Demo Data

my fastest AGD

fun little level (demo also on Nreality)
Demo Data