
Thumbnail of the map 'Ninja-Ball'

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Author Zarovin
Tags author:zarovin dda rockets unrated
Created 2008-04-11
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Not much to say, probably used just a little too much gold delay.

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Not bad,

but try to use something other than launchpads and trapdoors (and the occasional thwump). Also, try to avoid gold delay, and long-ish waits such as the one near the top-left corner. You should try experimenting with one-ways and bounceblocks for some really good close calls.
There was also a lot of empty space left in the map. Try to use that space for something good, and don't run away from the action as much as you did.


Pretty good, gold delay wasn't abused, 4.5/5. Got slow at times but had some pretty good close to death moments.