This is the part where ill admit...

Thumbnail of the map 'This is the part where ill admit...'

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Author Gothic_hippy
Tags action author:gothic_hippy rated
Created 2008-01-20
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description getting what I deserve

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Baby dragon' Thumbnail of the map 'Advertising causes...therapy' Thumbnail of the map 'Gothic.....' Thumbnail of the map 'Ye Old Inn' Thumbnail of the map 'offbeat' Thumbnail of the map 'Map Name'
Baby dragon Advertising causes...therapy Gothic..... Ye Old Inn offbeat Map Name


Pages: (0)


I'm the best. This map is also the best. Both of those statements are half-facetious.

Demo Data

beat you josh =D

gothic_hippy, you're friends with lenny right? speak to him about it, or search the forums, it's not too hard


i've uploaded to nreality
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