Prisoner's spiral

Thumbnail of the map 'Prisoner's spiral'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author PhoenixofChaos
Tags author:phoenixofchaos easy lightning prison spiral unrated
Created 2007-12-06
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description This is a version of the Lightning Spiral, made in prisoner-style but with a twist. At some point, you must escape... or DIE!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Figure of infinity' Thumbnail of the map 'Survival of the N' Thumbnail of the map 'The Key to...?' Thumbnail of the map 'Four laps, three locks, 1 N' Thumbnail of the map 'Prison Block C' Thumbnail of the map 'Prison Block D'
Figure of infinity Survival of the N The Key to...? Four laps, three locks, 1 N Prison Block C Prison Block D


Pages: (0)

Completion speed
Demo Data

faster AGD

Demo Data

faster AGD

Demo Data


ZERO challenge required and UNLIMITED boredom present

my fast AGD
Demo Data
but the gist is there. very boring level imo. very easy level. after the top - as seen in the demo - there is absolutely no challange whatsoever. maybe work on the drone paths and tileset better to keep the ninja constantly in between the drones, but then it will just be tedious. i dunno. 3/5
Demo Data

not bad

Demo Data
$Lightning Spiral#PhoenixofChaos##900000000000000000061000000000000000000000010000;11111111111111<00100001900000000000061001000010000000000000010010000100;11111111<00100100001001900000061001001000010010000000010010010000100100;11<001001001000010010019610010010010000100100100100100100100001001001001001001001000010010010010010010010000100100100100100100100001001001001001001001000010010010010010010010000100100100100100100100001001001001001001001000010010010010010010010000100100100100100100100001001001000001001001000010010018000710010010000100100:11111=00100100001001000000000001001000010018000000000710010000100:11111111111=00100001000000000000000001000018000000000000000710000:11111111111111111=000000000000000000000000080000000000000000000007|5^180,566!11^132,564,252,276!8^60,60,1!8^60,468,0!8^660,468,3!8^660,132,2!8^132,132,1!8^132,396,0!8^588,396,3!8^588,204,2!8^204,204,1!8^204,324,0!8^732,540,3!8^732,60,2!0^372,492!0^372,468!0^372,564!0^372,540!0^372,420!0^372,396!0^372,348!0^372,324!0^372,276!0^372,252!0^372,204!0^372,180!0^372,132!0^372,108!0^372,60!0^372,36!6^36,540,1,0,0,0!6^60,540,1,0,0,0!6^84,540,1,0,0,0!6^36,564,0,0,0,0!6^60,564,0,0,0,0!6^84,564,0,0,0,0#