The Destroyer

Thumbnail of the map 'The Destroyer'

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Author The_Destroyer
Tags author:the_destroyer destroyed unrated
Created 2007-11-12
Last Modified 2007-11-16
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Hello, I'm the Destroyer. My Job at the moment is to make peoples map like and remove enemies, doors, tiles and other stuff to turn them into . This makes other parts of it accesible so you can play them.

However, this is just some harmless fun. If you don't want me to "Destroy" any of your levels just make a comment below and I won't touch them. All my levels will be tagged "destroyed" so you can find them.

I have another account on NUMA but will not be double voting or anything like that. If you guess who I am, then my reign of "terror" will be over! The guesser will get a DED in my next map.


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fun idea. dont mess with my map
not now, he's improving. this guy, he might be the new one.

im with tecno

just because i have enough time to commetn

Touch my maps

You will die.

You're cool.

Oh wait..