STAR WAS: Jedi N | Chapter 1: The first encounter

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Author jesus
Tags author:jesus playable rated uncategorized v1.2
Created 2004-06-12
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description In a Galaxy far far away............


Chapter 1: The first encounter

All is quiet in the loneliness of space, a few crashes of comets and rocks here and there but not much apart from that, that and the sound of a spaceship whizzing past.... Jedi "N" has been floating around in space for quite some time now since he ran out of fuel while being chased by a Star Destroyer.

"Come on Force..... don't fail me now.......", Suddenly the ship starts to move. At first N thought he was moving it with the power of the force but he soon realises the ship is being pulled towards a planet.... N grabs the controls and prepares for a crash landing. "I hope I make it through this one alive, master Yoda will never forgive me if I don't". The ship begins to speed up, faster and faster as it falls towards the strange planet. As it falls all N can think about is hoping that he gets through this one alive......... CRASH!!!! The ship hits the damp forest floor of the planet's surface. As N recovers from the crash he senses a disturbance in the force. Brushing off all the mud and leaves that now cover him, he decides to go
check it out.................


Find your way through the tall dark trees of the forest and enter the bunker. Guarding the bunker is an AT-ST with a scout sitting on top in the hatch and a storm trooper standing outside the bunker.


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For this one, you named it "Star Was."
For the next one, you said "Galexy."
Let's hear some more.

I am a very good typo pronunciation comedian. (In other words, I love to read people's typos phonetically as a joke.)


Edited for spelling and grammar.
Nice back-story, but you might want to get someone to proof-read future ones before you post.