Door Eerie 10

Thumbnail of the map 'Door Eerie 10'

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Author brother
Tags author:brother playable puzzle rated
Created 2005-06-18
by 13 people.
Map Data

Description Nothing for people that don't like trap door's ^^


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unfortunately, N can die, not just with the turret or falling...
(see demo)
Demo Data

Very Nice

I've always liked the Door Eerie levels, this was very good, but you should update it to use the top left corner as well, then it'd be a lot better. 4.5/5
Demo Data


you put a lot of work into this, but since N really can't die, it feels a bit like a chore to just walk around. Add some more turrets or something to spice it up.


Nice going. However, I don't really see what point the gauss turret had. And you could have used the upper left corner too. Oh well. 4.5/5
Demo Data


i managed to get myself killed...
i was never really a fan of the Door Eerie series, but for the effort and such, it was a good map.
Demo Data