
Thumbnail of the map 'zzap'

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Author gompasta
Tags author:gompasta test unrated
Created 2007-05-10
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description play in debug mode and choose the right time to JUMP

ps: test level means testing your skills in this map

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'system breakdown part 1' Thumbnail of the map '--' Thumbnail of the map 'another pinball map' Thumbnail of the map 'how many dors can you open at once' Thumbnail of the map '??????' Thumbnail of the map 'colors in n art'
system breakdown part 1 -- another pinball map how many dors can you open at once ?????? colors in n art


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Demo Data

shut up gompsta

he _was_testing his skills. he was doing it as fast as possible. quit being a stupid self centred noob and shut up!
Demo Data

but i mean

testing your skills here
in this map
Demo Data


it means that your testing a concept,