
Thumbnail of the map 'Mandragorian'

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Author Mechtradevil
Tags author:mechtradevil playable puzzle rated
Created 2007-04-05
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description actiony puzzle, My demo shows all except the last trapdoor jump on the bottom, figure it out for yourself!
Enjoy, rate, and comment please.. demos would be good too.

Other maps by this author

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A scatter of Pythons; her strands of Hair... Thunderkiss 65 Sphinx-acious My Own Resurrection So this one time I went into the supermarket, yeah? And this hobo I'd just seen was in a woman's leather jacket buying egg rolls... F***ing Crazy! The Tileset that Haunted Him Forever


Pages: (0)

very fun

Demo Data

first try

pretty cool map . ($)_($)
Demo Data
I'm not complaining though, as I really like it.
It's fun and original.

teh demo

of lame awesomeness.
Demo Data