High Voltage

Thumbnail of the map 'High Voltage'

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Author BenMiff
Tags action author:benmiff playable rated
Created 2005-05-27
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description Get through without getting zapped.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Labyrinth' Thumbnail of the map 'hEX' Thumbnail of the map 'Vertigo' Thumbnail of the map '4 tiers' Thumbnail of the map 'Patrol' Thumbnail of the map 'Pinnacles'
Labyrinth hEX Vertigo 4 tiers Patrol Pinnacles


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thahs cool.

the framerate is a bit annoying though, maybe a few less enemies would be better ,you could give them the chase algorithm to make it harder then, Fun level though. I like the way that one false move sends you back a bit.


very interesting. i like the name/map relation. fits perfectly. but yes, it was extremely laggy.


this is really cool. I would like it more if there wasn't quite so much lag, but it is a really fun concept nonetheless.