
Thumbnail of the map '(effect)ive'

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Author formica
Tags author:formica rated test v1.3c
Created 2005-03-17
Last Modified 2005-03-17
by 11 people.
Map Data

Description I was experimenting with making one of those wicked sliding upwards ramp thingos when I just fiddled with this a bit- I reckon it's a pretty cool, low- load time effect.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Bontago blocks' Thumbnail of the map 'Run away' Thumbnail of the map 'Flight path' Thumbnail of the map 'Really pretty quite sorta fast' Thumbnail of the map 'Thorny' Thumbnail of the map 'Tribute to MErrr again....'
Bontago blocks Run away Flight path Really pretty quite sorta fast Thorny Tribute to MErrr again....


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I found a cool glitch (that could be very useful)
I THINK this is how it works: shake the boxes running up the top ramp as much as possible, then on your way down hit the last box on the right, and run down the bottom ramp. the rocket may or may not fire. I have gotten all the way to the ground (where it is safe) without the rocked firing, try it.


that's really funny(:
but what is this "wicked sliding upwards ramp"?, and where can I see one?

this is awesome.

I love the foot tapping thing. XD
Demo Data

Look at him!

His dancing!


if you slide down ninja taps his foot, lmao best thing ever.


You can do this same kind of thing with thwumps. They react to you even though you are a "full square" away (diagnally, that is). One of my early DDA's showed the effect with twumps.

Kudos for a neat effect.


That's pretty cool that you can't see the tops of the bounce blocks, but you can still hit them. Haha, it makes N spaz out all over the place. 5/5 for discovering that!