The room bender

Thumbnail of the map 'The room bender'

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Author a04aallsopp3
Tags author:a04aallsopp3 playable puzzle rated
Created 2006-05-27
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description This is a puzzle and an action type of map. It is relitively easy but can be complicated at times. You need to collect the keycards without dying. In one of the rooms don't hang around or you might get killed.

Other maps by this author

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that wasn't a judgment about your map; rather it was a comment on a previous comment. just wanted to make sure you knew that, as a matter of clarity.


I found it to be much like the below. Pretty easy with little challenge. Concealed mines to me are a bad idea, just a recipe for player frustration (as opposed to good challenge) but that could be a matter of opinion. Try making your thwump/drone-focused rooms with more than one thwump/drone, and setting it so the thwump doesn't travel through doors.

Overall, there are the ideas here. It's almost guaranteed, though, that a more fleshed-out idea will give you a better map.


well i'll just say that it could be improved, try adding in more tiles in the top rooms and sort out making the mine room harder, i reckon some concieled mines in the box room would add a bit of spice to the level and um sort the zap drone out. Liked it but needs re-doing

Someone without hands could probably do a speed demo on this.


its too easy. no challenges at all. 2/5