The Hobo Has Slept And Is Rested...

Thumbnail of the map 'The Hobo Has Slept And Is Rested...'

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Author Necromancer-11-11-92
Tags author:necromancer-11-11-92 playable race rated
Created 2006-03-29
Last Modified 2006-03-29
by 13 people.
Map Data

Description Same as before fastest all gold gets the demo...

Now with improved tileset!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Transportation' Thumbnail of the map 'Buble Bath' Thumbnail of the map 'Creeping Vines' Thumbnail of the map 'Just a bit Further' Thumbnail of the map 'Simple Competition 1' Thumbnail of the map 'The Hobo Sleeps Tonight'
Transportation Buble Bath Creeping Vines Just a bit Further Simple Competition 1 The Hobo Sleeps Tonight


Pages: (0)


I love the trap and locked doors, and the ingenuity of the design that lets you go throught the level so many times. 5aved! This just may be one of my all time favorites. I'm glad I found this on random!


I think there's to much door switches and it's just not very good.
I'll give 3,5/5 ninjas

I now

just that prevents them from shooting you when they aren't supposed to....

You can alos just put in some number higher than 10 in the place that has the pathing selection (never mind)
Edit the code of each one.

directly after placing a CG, go into your level data and delete the very last number. Then type: NaN

Do this for each seperate CG.
They'll stay rooted with no need for horrid doors :)

playa1 ???



ITs a really good lvl there are a couple of flow problems but otherwise its great. pls fix those problems adn then my vote goes from 4.5 to 5.

First completion.

Quite slow, as well.
Demo Data



Love this race...

completely agree with 9400, but it is very fun
4 and fav'd
(strange i know)


Much too generic and repetitive. It's just blah.