
Thumbnail of the map 'Key-Fetish'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author ChurchFire
Tags author:churchfire playable puzzle unrated
Created 2006-01-17
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Pretty Difficult, you gotta keep moving
I dare you to give me a successful demo

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TRECK Dungeon1 OMG Dog Toy White X


Pages: (0)

Not level data

its the replay data cause i was playing the map in the regular mode not in the edit mode dummy


the hell would you spend so long making so many switches? And in what way was this puzzling? 2.5/5 for an extremely obnoxious map.

kendogg102, you moron. You just posted the level data.
Ive done it, and my fingers hurt. Been about a week at work playing this level and it is now complete. I dont have a demo but i have a replay data:



this level is freacckin impossible
Demo Data