
Thumbnail of the map 'flyiNg'

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Author Ryro_the_Hedgehog
Tags author:ryro_the_hedgehog dda unrated
Created 2006-01-14
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description I didn\'t complete the idea on the page for the tile set which is, but ah well. This is my 2nd DDA and my 2nd map. Enjoy it if you will.

Other maps by this author

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Ryro's First DDA Ryro's First Action


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I did try to dothat but if I used Trap Doors N died and if i used Thwumps I couldn't get N on or N getting pushed by one. I'll try making a more intresting DDA today and submit it tomorrow.
first, there wasnt a single close call in the whole thing. Put more bad guys in! (look at the top rateds for ideas). Also, you have to move using things other then bounce pads. Look at the top rated ddas for different ways to move.