
Thumbnail of the map 'kiaora'

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Author kiaora
Tags author:kiaora oodles rated
Created 2014-08-19
Last Modified 2014-08-19
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description pretty basic map for oodles.

Other maps by this author

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kiaoraaarrrrrggggh kiaora...? kiaora Sleepy City Revisited George kiaora


Pages: (0)

miss you, buddy.


Much faster

I'll stop now
Demo Data


Demo Data
Fine-tuning needed.
Demo Data

fast route on nreality. really interesting map -like the buttons on the old phones (with wire)

or just interesting for that matter.

you're totally right. i'm too rusty to really offer anything innovative at this stage.

pretty fine map

though seems like a map with one-ways in it than a map where they're the focus. I like how the gold placement doesn't make it obvious what the best route to take is.
Demo Data

pretty fun

Demo Data