two direction

Thumbnail of the map 'two direction'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Wizard2
Tags author:wizard2 oodles rated
Created 2014-08-11
Last Modified 2014-08-11
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description meet the one-way

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'peak' Thumbnail of the map 'the restaurant at the end of the universe' Thumbnail of the map 'harmony' Thumbnail of the map 'calling yahoozy' Thumbnail of the map 'abc' Thumbnail of the map 'meet the thwump'
peak the restaurant at the end of the universe harmony calling yahoozy abc meet the thwump


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Missing this

Miss you, friend

hope you check this dumb website sometime and see this
is really great!
Demo Data

i liked all of your maps a lot
Demo Data


i thought you were going through some life-or-death surgery or something lol. oh well, good luck with whatever you're up to man

wait, why?

if you don't mind me asking
you tend to come and go randomly, i can't ever tell if you're or not is all

fun map

annoying gold in the top section
Demo Data
This is a cool series :D
Demo Data
this map was way more awesome than I thought please make more like these

Demo Data
Sendy map.

neat map

not too much going on but it's fun
Demo Data
Cool map,I have seen some of these tricks for the first time. Thanks for showing new things to me.
Demo Data

demo for ali
Demo Data
can anyone teach me how to do that???

You sir!!!

are awesome!!! this map was awesome and I loved it when I saw it was cheatable, although it is meant to be but still!! it was awesome. im gonna make a map soon but taking the idea from you :D
is really great!