Comments on "wowz¡oasbemadeamap¡!!!"

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I really like the drones and the trap doors at the top. I'm thinking of making the right tunnel deeper or connecting it to the middle one (I'll put in locked doors).


Sorry, I didn't know you were at work. I have like, 5 map packs on my computer, so I might be able to help heheheh.
Or any other kind of website where you can upload things?
Because you said you had the massive Legacy pack.


I think there are some parts on the collab that are impossible. Is that done on purpose?

Thanks man!

But it says the attachment doesn't exist anymore when I try to download it.


I really like what you did here. Though its about 12:15am here and I was just about to go to sleep, so ill work on it in the morning. Hope this is getting you back into mapping again. :D

Here you go: []
Do with it as you wish.
If you don't like it I would be happy to make a different tileset. :D

Hey i was wondering

Are you up for a collab? It might give you the motivation to continue mapping.

hey man

Are you still gonna continue with UAP?

collab me.

please. I might take a few days to respond for I'll be out of a computer;


jk, but seriously, how are you? its been ages!
If I don't see a map of yours o the hot maps page then Mr. President will be very upset.

this is weird.

Thanks for commenting on my map there. I liked figuring out the start of this map the first time I played it. Getting the gold was a little frustrating because of the tricky door jumps. Here's my sexy agd doe
Demo Data
But I could proofread yours. So send me a draft if you want.
and what a pity, NUMA seemed to be quite lively already! what happened?

muchas gracias

senor :D


damn, I don't know, you gotta ask a cat expert. but be careful, I once had bought a stone-dead cat, and the seller kept telling me that he was just asleep

I think you're misinformed, cats actually have 9 lives

I don't comment so rarely!

you're beautiful‰★☆▼▲■‰▲■●●■▼⇔♂



You forgot to put your trademark zoas thiny in your map.


I see some new people here, I guess I could catalyze the process of resurrection by bringing myself back into mapping.
I guess I could map a little to extend my archive a little bit ^^

Here: []

I started this last night and touched it up this morning.


I'm not liking this collab. Could we just possibly do a regular collab instead of a retile? I feel more comfortable doing that. :/
I have a week off from school starting in a couple days. So until then, I'll try my bet to get back to you. I'm aware that I tend to hold off collaborations, so don't take it as a form of malicious intent.

I'm sorry.

School takes priority in my life, while everything else, including N, is just a secondary aspect. Within due time, I will have my part of the collaboration done.

I'll try.

When I'm not swamped with school work, I'll get to it. Expect it later tonight (in my area at least).
I'm impressed how you can always come up with new and interesting concepts, even after almost 300 VODKAs.

First of all

as always, thank you for your comments. I always enjoy getting feedback, whether it is on a map, a run or whatever. And your comment on my latest oblique map really made me hope for a good rank this time. :)

Ok, I played your VODKA map and I managed to get an AGD after about 15 minutes, I guess. Here [] it is.
I know, it's slow, but that was the first AGD I got. But now you can be sure that it's possible. ;)
As I already told you once on IRC I'm bad at writing, but that's what I came up with:
Who the hell dropped me off in mid-air? How am I supposed to survive here? Wait..., no, no, you must be kidding...

!_et !\/!e start on that collab.

Why do you persist this accusation? And why does it matter to you either way?
¡-¡ow have y¡¡¡¡ou been?!¡
