
Thumbnail of the map 'Clouds'

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Author anco
Tags action author:anco rated
Created 2013-07-23
Last Modified 2013-07-23
by 6 people.
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Description Note that while this may look very similar to eganic's "Nuances", it plays very differently. Agd is hard, most aren't probably able to do it.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Money trees' Thumbnail of the map 'Ladies And Gentlemen We Are Floating In Space' Thumbnail of the map 'Blood Section' Thumbnail of the map 'Madvillainy' Thumbnail of the map 'Avalanche Rock' Thumbnail of the map 'A Manatee Dance'
Money trees Ladies And Gentlemen We Are Floating In Space Blood Section Madvillainy Avalanche Rock A Manatee Dance


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also agreed with palemoon. I personally liked the map. do whatever you want, don't let others try to tell you how to map.
lemme just agree with palemoon here
that the average user doesnt know jack about mapping

man u have some good maps, i was just saying that this one sucks balls for me because it had good tiles and you ruined it (IMHO)

i just faved avalanche rock

I see it.

I guess this just isn't my type of preferred map
I spent 2 -3 hours crafting this and it is pretty close to what I was looking for. There is a very much peculiar "sky" atmosphere here I have been trying to make many times - a desolate, minimalistic aesthetic taken to the max, with a very much fundamental and varied gameplay based on those simplistic base elements.


I don't have enough of an opinion on this to say good or bad, but this doesn't really feel like it came from you. I see what you were aiming for though, maybe you could fine tune it and resubmit it?

also "Next time I'm not trusting nmaps to think I'm not a completely incompetent mapmaker."

ahhhhhhh too many double negatives


the map was good except I don't see a problem with attaching the sticks to the top of the map, or showing the mines. i just dislike the hidden ones, and for the launch pads i understand why you dont just connect the sloped tiles to the wall, for aesthetic reasons, so next time try editing the code so they don't show that ugly black line of 1 pixel. i know i just gave you an advice not to hide things, and then advice on how to hide things :P. either way i enjoyed the map and thats what matters most, a fun map.
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It would take an idiot to think that. You're one of my favorite mappers, believe it or not.


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Alrightie guys

Next time I'm not trusting nmaps to think I'm not a completely incompetent mapmaker.

wtf is this?
hidden traps with launchpads?

man this map has potential and you ruined it

Fair point. I'd say you accomplished the aesthetic you were striving for quite well, then; it's just not a look I'd aim for. My apologies.
Mines or launchpads would be a huge no-no in that regard, and I thought they were obvious enough to be hidden.

Would they have been less functional if visible?

I can do it, I figure most around here can.
The left side was meh. Too few spots to jump on, and having to use those six tiles was irritating. You're already forcing us to walljump with a rocket on our tail, isn't that enough? The left side was much better though --- moving around was much less awkward, and the second rocket provide more action. It's just more fun to dodge things when you have some freedom of movement.

Overall decent map; but you coulda made that left side much more fun, and could easily have made it prettier. And done away with the hidden objects.
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sample agd below
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