Seriously wtf?

This map has been removed from listings by the author.

Thumbnail of the map 'Seriously wtf?'

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Author Unicorn_Drone
Tags author:unicorn_drone bug ddaish glitch unplayable unrated
Created 2013-07-21
Last Modified 2013-07-21
Map Data

Description Mind watching demo?

Second time in N history it happens to me.


Pages: (0)

delisted because I had/have 3 maps on hot page.. ;x

unlisted again ;x

wai did u unlist

wai i cri irl


You're referring to the off-the-wall sliding thing? I came across the same thing a few years ago, here [].
From what I can tell, it's basically a bugged out wallslide where the animation has failed to change.



asdasdasd []

asdasd!!! asdasd? asd asdsadasdas!


nreality editor, if that changes anything.
Demo Data