Security Sec. A Matrix II

Thumbnail of the map 'Security Sec. A Matrix II'

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Tags author:palemoon unrated
Created 2013-04-15
Last Modified 2013-04-15
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'into space' Thumbnail of the map 'Dark Symmetrics (Void Open)' Thumbnail of the map 'Sewage Divot IV' Thumbnail of the map 'Outflow Clamp S-B6' Thumbnail of the map 'Compression Valve R' Thumbnail of the map 'Circular Hold Latch'
into space Dark Symmetrics (Void Open) Sewage Divot IV Outflow Clamp S-B6 Compression Valve R Circular Hold Latch


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Pretty cool

I liked the scale of the map and the variability in gameplay the thwumps encouraged. It was a bit hard to get an idea of a focused enough path though. But yeah, I liked it.
Demo Data

whats going on

bring back the old palemoon
Demo Data


very choppy
Demo Data
about sewage and latches and security matrixes