Golden Rain

This map has been removed from listings by the author.

Thumbnail of the map 'Golden Rain'

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Author Unicorn_Drone
Tags author:unicorn_drone hailsparta unrated
Created 2013-04-15
Last Modified 2013-04-15
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Good name is good.

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also you faved the wrong map... :P

Slow speedrun

Shows the point though. Yeah certainly misty's fbf not needed for this trick. Too lazy to do a full AGD haha.
Demo Data

Wait.. Chume still plays N?


u so sly :P

great demo ; D
this is my demo of going back up the way I came down.

the mine part is cool, but the rockets are waaaaaay too agressive in my opinion
Demo Data


Demo Data


thanks for joining ;)

i know that going down is kinda hard and annoying, and the fun part starts there.. thats what I hate about my own map ; )

yeah seems impossible..

miststalker maybe could do it ; D

yeah seems impossible..

miststalker maybe could do it ; D

I like the way it makes it look like you can go back up the way you came down but actually you can't (probably).

This is very fun. Definitely my style :D 5/5