
Thumbnail of the map 'Mind>Matter'

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Author miststalker06
Tags author:miststalker06 basedgod numacon unrated
Created 2013-04-14
Last Modified 2013-08-10
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
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Description Enjoy this numacon map!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'When I Sing A B In My Room, Something Resonates.' Thumbnail of the map 'Unmitigated Presence' Thumbnail of the map 'Easy Map' Thumbnail of the map 'Je M'appele Jacques' Thumbnail of the map 'You Go Backwards But Then [Part 2]' Thumbnail of the map 'You Go Forwards Again [Part 1]'
When I Sing A B In My Room, Something Resonates. Unmitigated Presence Easy Map Je M'appele Jacques You Go Backwards But Then [Part 2] You Go Forwards Again [Part 1]


Pages: (0)

I'm the kind of person, who understands that 404 error code. ^^

failed my studies, got plenty of time lol. gonn try again next year. ;x

too drunk to play but I think i wouldnt enjoy the gold placement lol. faved, Ill see what I can do ; d Maybe. ; d2

Hey mists. How is it going? : )
..great challenge.

Sry links broke

Honorable mention:
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If I were to judge:

1st []
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Honorable Mention:

And an

AGD to follow :)
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