useless map

This map has been removed from listings by the author.

Thumbnail of the map 'useless map'

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Author 1211
Tags action author:1211 dda fun hard playable unrated
Created 2013-04-11
Last Modified 2013-04-11
Map Data

Description Load this map before playing this. []

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Transmission' Thumbnail of the map 'Disorder' Thumbnail of the map 'Trivial Matters' Thumbnail of the map 'seismic radio' Thumbnail of the map 'Forgotton Coral' Thumbnail of the map 'Wisp'
Transmission Disorder Trivial Matters seismic radio Forgotton Coral Wisp


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the tiles are incredible. Just the way they shimmer in my eye makes me remember the days of my innocent childhood. So clean, as if bleached by the magnificent rays of the sun. Why can't more maps be like this, it's just so incredible.

5/5aved, feature is deserved.

I once stole a wallet, but I returned it to its owner.

Sometimes I'm a journeyman and I climb up power poles.

From time to time I order meat in the bar, although I don't like it.

I was unaware.

I heard that in forests there's more garbage during the night than during the day.