
Thumbnail of the map 'ancientopia'

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Author mercuri
Tags ancientopia author:mercuri episodic mercuri rated
Created 2013-02-15
Last Modified 2013-02-15
by 11 people.
Map Data

Description Ancientopia

Based on an Unreal '99 map (14 years... woah), another episodic map. Have fun taking a ride in the Ancientopia!

EDIT: Woo forgot to said Suds helped me lol ^^

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'booting' Thumbnail of the map 'angst' Thumbnail of the map 'glue factory' Thumbnail of the map 'A beautiful day' Thumbnail of the map 'state of trance' Thumbnail of the map 'Last wish'
booting angst glue factory A beautiful day state of trance Last wish


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I'm coming from the map rating thread.

I'm give this a 4 and a pretty quick agd ;)
Demo Data

1)Stop trolling

2) Collab? I don't think we ever did

hello my friend!

I'm contacting with you for the collab on hold.
Finish it as you want, (I trust in you and sure will be perfect for me) and post it in NUMA as a collab with me. ;)
Thank you.

I love that game!

I still play it occasionally.


do you mean Unreal '98 or UT99? If it's the latter, which map? I made UT99 maps back in the day: []
I like how the rockets gang up more the lower you go. I thought the chaingun was a little harsh, but if you do the map right, you barely interact with it.
I rated a 4 and it's still at 2/5. :(
Demo Data
I thought it was a nice challenge. I probably could've done with something besides the chain gun for a threat when you're out in the open.

Cool, if you're going to vote 0 at least say why lol


Turned out cool, you can do nice things ^^
Demo Data

Awkward AGD

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