
This map has been removed from listings by the author.

Thumbnail of the map 'Psuado'

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Author R3D_N1NJ4
Tags 123leonidas321 author:r3d_n1nj4 collab masscollab simple trap-door unrated
Created 2013-01-21
Last Modified 2013-01-21
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description this is for Leo's masscollab. just a simple trap door jumper.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '22-2 Hot Feet' Thumbnail of the map '22-3 Fuck Doors!' Thumbnail of the map '22-4 Golden Isle' Thumbnail of the map '23-0 The Final Stretch' Thumbnail of the map '23-1 Diet Double Dew' Thumbnail of the map '23-2 Golden Apple, Replenish Time'
22-2 Hot Feet 22-3 Fuck Doors! 22-4 Golden Isle 23-0 The Final Stretch 23-1 Diet Double Dew 23-2 Golden Apple, Replenish Time


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me and mrgy did an edit or two. ur turn :P


Demo Data

our bubble collab

O and

u submitting ur contest map? i just need 2 more people for first round

But dude

that guy sounds so much like meanapple its so funny... and anyway, meanapple has enabled ratings even tho he was jeremoon

You're on IRC now? Say yes or no in my last map.
You still thinks that I'm elhombre?


and tell zoas to tell him he is very cool and thanks for the hat pic

but wait

then why does he disable ratings, etc.? he has to be a multiaccounter. Maybe he plays on zoas computer?


didnt i tell you that? :P

Um dude

This is a competition i made. You saw my first competition, so i thought you might want to see this one. I know a few other people who are going to do this. How good do you think it is?

Hey red

collab? if so, irc now.

Yeah i tried

to interrogate him before, but then i stopped. although lets question him on his next map. ill leave a hidden message or something.

And for the review, do you think the map was good enough, or do u think peopple will laugh at it?
and meanapple is all mad since elhombre was like "I am meanapple" Look at the list i made of people elhombre has been accused of.

And about your no-style know who the only no-style style person is? Rose. check his profile.

I like it!

unique minimap

its actually

easier than it looks :)

looks cool

but makes me damn nervous


ill wait for leo. he will know which way the ninja is suposed to go. i didnt want to edit it and make the trapdoors close the wrong door, then have to edit it again.
thanks for the comments guys:D


you guys are right. i guess i didnt think about it. ill edit it.


El hombre is right. this does decrease the multi-pathness a little. but it might be ok, we will have to see what the others look like. Of course it might be better if different switches closed different tunnels.

I like it.

But there is a flaw. When connected with all the other ones you don't know which way the ninja will enter or exit. he might choose to go the other way.

See super shitty AGD
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