0082. AssHoney

Thumbnail of the map '0082. AssHoney'

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Tags 3x3 author:vodkalover unrated
Created 2012-08-01
Last Modified 2012-08-01
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Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '0076. Approaching The Final Stretch' Thumbnail of the map '0077. Sad Again' Thumbnail of the map '0078. When Will The New Life Begins?' Thumbnail of the map '0079. Broken Glass In My Hand' Thumbnail of the map '0080. Looking for the VDK's Series Grand Champion' Thumbnail of the map '0081. Don't Worry I'm Almost Done'
0076. Approaching The Final Stretch 0077. Sad Again 0078. When Will The New Life Begins? 0079. Broken Glass In My Hand 0080. Looking for the VDK's Series Grand Champion 0081. Don't Worry I'm Almost Done


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These two runs are perfect. To me this is one of the most complicated and fanciful maps of this series, because you have to interact with something really unusual, double bounces in confined spaces. This is not something that can be used to handle, and move my way of ninja here is really awkward and uncertain time. Bravo!


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